Epileptic power supply has been identified as the key constraint to manufacturing sector development in Nigeria. Hence, this study analysed the effect of epileptic power supply on the performance of SMEs using both a survey technique and regression analysis. One strong outcome of the study is that the poor state of electricity supply in Nigeria has imposed significant costs on the manufacturing sector. The bulk of these costs relate to the firms’ acquisition of very expensive backup capacity to cushion them against the even larger losses arising from frequent and long power fluctuations. Small- scale operators are more heavily affected by the epileptic power supply as they are unable to finance the cost of backup power necessary to mitigate the impact of frequent outages. The small-scale operators that could afford to back up their operations have to spend a significant proportion of their investment outlay on this. The study suggests for institutional reforms of the power supply sector in Nigeria.
Integrating technology into the educational sector is progressively influenced by different multicultural settings across the wo...
Some physical and mechanical properties of two Nigerian beniseed accessions (Yandev-55 and E8) were determined at 5 moisture cont...
Education in Nigeria is devoid of the element crucial to averting the surging rate of unemployment in the count...
This study explores the immense role of the microfinance banks in the rural development in Nig...
Background of the Study
The place of radio for the purpose of education has been around for some time. The radio technology was developed...
ABSTRACT: This research examined the effects of environmental toxins on early c...
With the ever increasing pace of development, social network crime has become an inevitable and a...
The study seeks to investigate the influence of mobile phone usage on conventional tools by un...
Abstract: This research explores strategies for supporting emotional resilience among young children in earl...
Background to the Study
Information and communication technology (ICT) is gaining importance in today...